30 May 2006

Moonlight Paddle

I didn't go on the moonlight paddle at the symposium this year. I have only paddled in the dark once before, and I got a little bit of an anxiety attack from it. It seems with all of those little lights bobbing around me, and no steady horizon to focus on, I start to feel really tippy. I'm not sure exactly what my relation to the water is. Am I vertical or about to get wet? So this year I stuck around on the dock and took a bunch of pictures as everyone was getting ready to leave for a loop around the lake. This picture is a little dark and fuzzy, because I wasn't using a tripod or a flash. The symposium is a real fun time and there are plenty of characters around. Rob "Rooster" Taylor is here displaying a new battery powered, suction cup, running light system, that he won as a door prize.


Alex said...

definitely a lot of characters at that symposium. i skipped the moonlight paddle myself as i was pretty much exhausted at that point! unfortunately, i didn't connect you to your blog until derrick mentioned it to me on the final day.

Richard said...


It was cool meeting you and taking a class that you taught. I won't mention the little bracing incident in the first class, unless somebody twists my arm.

Alex said...

lol, thanks richard. that was a bit embarrasing but at least i rolled up! don't worry, simon and derrick made fun of me enough about that and received several invitations from simon to sit in on his bracing class. sigh... it'll be awhile before i live that down (as well as several other incidents from this past weekend). :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think I was with you for that night paddle! I was grateful we went back to shore early!