11 November 2009


The view out the front window.

09 November 2009

01 November 2009


Here is a Fall Family Photo. My kids will not stand still for a second.

This is what I did all day. Taken with my camera phone LG enV3.

30 October 2009

Paddle in the Rain

Had a great paddle this morning on a stretch of the upper River Raisin. I joined three guys from the Wolf Pack Kayaking Club. We spotted a car in Manchester, Michigan and then we put in at Sharon Mills park. It took us about two and a half hours to drift to Manchester. Only had a single portage around a big tree that fell into the river, had to duck a few limbs and slide over a few logs, but otherwise the river was pretty clear. I definitely want to do this trip again.

06 August 2009

Saturday Morning Paddle

I am going to be paddling a chain of lakes that are very close to my home
(walking distance with a kayak cart) on Saturday morning the 8th of August. If
anyone would like to meet-up and paddle along, just send me an email to pick a
time. Here is a link to a map of the Michigan Center chain of lakes:

(You may have to zoom out.)

The flag with the letter "A" is where I plan to put in and then paddle to the
west toward Center lake. This is a totally unorganized event, and if nobody
wants to go, I will go by myself.